ΙΧΘΥΣ Thumbnail List Testimony of Sok SreyPov I.កាលកុម៉ារភាព៖ ជំរាបសួរ! នាងខ្ញុំឈ្មោះ សុខ ស្រីពៅ ភេទស្រី កើតនៅថ្ងៃទី ១៣ មេសា ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៦ ទីកន្លែងកើតនៅ ខេត្តកំពត នៅជាប់ព្រំប្រទល់វៀតណាម។ ខ្ញុំមានបងប្អូនចំនួន៦នាក់ ចំណែកខ្ញុំជាកូនទី៥ ឳពុក ជាគ្រូបង្រៀននៅសាលាបឋមសិក្សា ហើយម្តាយជាកសិក ដោយតំបន់ដែលខ្ញុំបានរស់នៅ គឺការធ្វើស្រែពុំសូវបានផលប៉ុន្មាននោះទេ ប្រជាជនមានភាពក្រីក្រ ពុំជៀនលឿន ហើយអ្វីដែលសំខាន់គឺមិនមានសាលារៀនច្រើននោះទេ ។ នៅឆ្នាំ២០០៧ នាងខ្ញុំបានសម្រេចច.. more Testimony of Chhun Levy Greetings in Christ Jesus, My name is Chhun levy. I was born in Phnom Penh city of Cambodia I was born in a Buddhist family. I have got two younger sisters and two younger brothers, My parent are not Christian, in my family i am the one who is believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in God since year 2003 at that time I was joining worship God at my neighbor house in the night time and I was very hap.. more Testimony of Pengkhorn My name is Pengkhorn Sem. I was born in a Buddhist family in Kampongcham province. I have eight siblings. Before I became a Christian, my life was not much different from other boys in the village. I like doing what I wanted to do. I did not listen to my parents much, of course I did but not all the times. I missed the school when I wanted and spent time outside enjoyed with my friends. Many tim.. more Testimony of An Sitha Lydia God leads our way! Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am An Sitha Lydia. I have been married for 18 years. My husband (John Saray) and I have been blessed by the Lord with a son and daughter. Our boy is sixteen and the girl is twelve. Currently we live and serve God in Sihanouk Ville. Some of you may know me that I was born in a Cambodian-Chinese family. I am t.. more Testimony of Phearum Ean Hello, My name is Phearum ean. I have been pastoring for 7 years in a church called New Life In Christ Church. I was one of the students graduated from the KBS Bible School which founded by Rev. Moses Hanh. It’s my honour and joy sharing my testimony. I was born in a Buddhist family in a Buddhist community. I had not heard about Jesus till I was around 12 (I did not know much about Jesus nor rea.. more Testimony of Ly Oin My name is Ly Oin, I am 41 years old and I was born in Baray district, Kampong Thom province. I have got seven siblings, 4 brothers and 3 sisters. I am the second child. My parents are farmers. I got married in 2010 and have two children. Lee David, an 11-year-old boy, the youngest, Linda, an 8-year-old girl, and my wife, Pan Dariya, 31. Let me give testimony about my life that God has done for .. more Testimony of Narit Phan Jesse God plans my path Naomi & I have been married for 19 years and we are blessed with two sons, and a daughter. My wife and I were born in strong Buddhist families. She has four siblings, and I have nine siblings. My father had three jobs, and my mother had two jobs. They worked hard to feed us and help us to survive, but without any dreams of education for us children. When I managed to make it th.. more Testimony of mission trip to Cambodia in 2003 by Mrs. Kim YongOk. With my daughter, SongHee of grade 10, we went to the land of hot weather, 35 degrees, from Seoul of minus 10 degrees. Tears fell down when I remembered our life after Korean War in 1950. Cambodia was similar to those days of Korea in 1950s. We were so poor in those days, now we see Cambodia is suffering in poverty. I appreciated the blood of missionaries to Korea. Modern Korean mission & develo.. more 선택받은 자가 되어 (전홍미 자매, 소명교회) '모든 일정들 가운데서 안전하게 하시고 너무나 큰 은혜와 사랑을 허락하신 하니님께 영광을 돌립니다.' 2014년 필리핀 선교를 다녀와 많은 은혜와 도전을 받았기 때운에 다음 선교가 너무나도 기다려졌습니다. 이번에는 저에겐 많이 생소했었던 캄보디아 선교를 준비하면서 많은 걱정들이 있었습니다. 요즘 연이어 일어나는 비행기 사고와 캄보디아는 불교가 큰 비중을 차지하고 있는 나라였기에 어떤 핍박이 있을지 올라 많이 불안했었습니다. 그만큼 교회에서나 집에서나 길을 걸어갈 때도 제 마음이 준비 되게 해달라고 하나님께 기도드렸습니다. 가기 전에 교회에서 설교 중에 이번 캄보디아 선교를 통해서 하나님이 어떤 드라마를 써주실까 기대하자고 하셨는데 솔직히 저에게는 다른 사람들이 은혜를 못 받으면 어쩌나 하는 걱정이 있었습.. more Elder Norng Chay Praise God and salute to every teacher in the love of Jesus Christ! My name is Norng Chay, a 59-vear-old male who is now an elder in the B. P Pailin Church, living in Steung Kach Village. Stung Kach Commune, Salakroa District, Pailin Province. Have lived in Svay Rompea village, Svay Rompea commune, Kampong Leng district, Kampong Chhnang province. I have only one wif2e, Thy Navy, 53, and three da.. more Pastor. Sem Chantha The testimony about my real life. The first of all I would like to greeting to all brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ that come to join the revival meeting today. I am so glad to be here this afternoon, which that I have an opportunity to stand in front of all of you, it is by the grace of God which he has given to us. To share the testimonies of my life that I have accept Jesus Ch.. more [Eng/ភាសាខ្មែរ] Pastor But Tong An, ប៊ុត តុងអាន First of all, I would like to say greeting to you my brethren and all believers in Christ. This is my testimony that I write up in the sense that you know about my life before I believed in God and my present day. My name is BUT TONG AN, I was born on 01 March 1983 in Kompongthom province. I grew up in an ordinary family in the rural of Cambodia. I am the second son among 4 people, including me,.. more Prev 1 2 Next