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FootPrints/Mission Trip

Mission Tip to Myanmar (1st ~ 7th)


Yangon, Myanmar. Source :

1st Trip (May. 23. ~ June. 6. 2012 , Solo)
Planned mission trip to find any opportunity to serve there. Wanted to apply mission experience to Myanmar and prayed how I can help Myanmar people. Arrived in Yangon and went to Nephido, to Kalou, to Pinoolin, and to Taunggyi and to Lashio. In every place I asked to the Lord, Is it the place which I should serve?But I could not have conviction in every place. Finally At a hotel in Lashio, the last place of my itinerary, I met American missionary Breck who has been serving for 6 years in Shan province, and introduced Gospel Track, The Way to the Heaven, expressed it could be translated into Burmese and Shan language. He promised to do it.

2nd Trip. (Dec. 8 ~ 19, 2012. Solo)
With the help of Breck, of Burmese theological teacher and Shan pastor, it was translated into two languages, and printed in PhnomPenh Cambodia, 10000 copies each. In those days, printing cost in PhnomPenh was much cheaper than in Yangon. So I brought them to Myanmar and gave to Breck three boxes. I met evangelist Philip in Inle lake and also introduced it. Because Shan province and Inle lake region have a lot of high mountains, The evangelism through tracks was effective way. If they read this 12 paged colored track with illustrations, they might understand the basic doctrine of Gospel.

3rd Trip. (Feb. 27 ~ Mar 06. 2013, Four Korean missionaries in Cambodia and a American pastor.)
We brought 9 boxes of tracks, Shan & Burmese, to Yangon, Lashio and Tangguy. This time we could bring many boxes because mission team was six members. We gave them to Korean missionaries in Yangon and to Burmese and Shan church.


3rd Misstion Trip, Breck(baby). 변영호. 한성호. 김성문. 김영화

4th Trip. (Apr. 8 ~ 13. 2013, With Rev. Lee SangBeom)
Brought 4 boxes of tracks, in Burmese and in Shan.

5th Trip. (Aug ~ Sep, 2013. With Rev. Choi JeHoon)

Brought 6 boxes of Shan tracks. Met brother Victor. He was very eager to evangelize.

6th Trip. (May. 3 ~ 10, 2014. With brother Park Sinil)

Brought 4 boxes of tracks, in Burmese and in Shan.


We traveled from Yangon to Taunggy by night bus, 12 hours' drive.
After arriving, we went to the house of the president of YMCA in Taunggy, he gave us the time  to share the ministry to the campers who came from different villages of Shan province.
Shinil sang some Korean Gospel songs and I gave some report of Cambodian ministry. We also gave 3 boxes of Shan Gospel tracts and one box of Burmese Gospel tract. They will use it when they return to their home towns. They are attending the Camp for 40 days at the Shan Baptist Church.
Thanks Lord He made our visit timely. They were happy with the tracts.


Inle Lake.
From Taungguy, we went to Inle Lake. Evangelist  Philip brought us there, huge lake, and producing various vagetable, especially tomato. We visited a church member's house. They were on the way planting tomato seeds on the bed of good soil. The seed was so tiny. They pressed two or three seeds into the bed, and covered them with husk.
We joined the work, it was interesting. It took three months from seed bed until ripening tomato. Many villages are living on the lake, and cultivate floating farm, 1 meter deep, but not sinking. They produce tomato whole year, and distribute to whole Myanmar.
From this practice of planting, I shared Gospel to them in allegory, that We should take Word of God seriously, and brace it deep into our heart, and protect it from the snatching, or worldly scorching (temptation) in order to bear fruits...



Visited some houses with Evangelist Philip, shared Gospel, and gave gospel tracts..
We felt they should come to the Truth now in order to get wisdom, health, welfare of the life, especially great salvation..

7th Trip. (January 2019. With Rev. Lee HyongHwan)

Brought 2 boxes of tracks.


7th Mission Trip. Seminary in Yangon, Myanmar
7th Mission Trip. in the Mission Center(Missionary Park JungDuk)
7th Mission Trip. Rev Azariah HH Lee and myself made visit to Taunggy, Shan Province, Myanmar. Hoped to meet evangelist Victor, but he went to Yangon for bible study. His son David brought us to his house. We found out Victor's daughter, Wai Mar Thant, has been sick for 38 years and lied on bed since she got wrong injection at two years old. We asked God's mercy upon her and healing of her.

We also gave this tracks to the churches which have plan to mission trip to Myanmar. 
When I traveled in Myanmar, I usually use bus and local truck-bus, sometimes 12 hours of journey of night bus. I met many common people of country side and talked with them. They wantes their country to be changed into advanced.

We pray Burmese and other ethnic people in Myanmar can understand the truth of Jesus Christ even through this Gospel track and find out how they can build great Myanmar.

When I studied at FEBC, Singapore in 1994 to 1997, I have visited Myanmar for the first time. Even 15 years have passed, there was not much development there. People are suffering still. I believe only the Truth will change this country. The Gospel track, even short, explain who Truth is.