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Testimony of Eang Saronniya.


Pastor Eang Saronniya's family (31.Oct.2017)

Hello! My name is Eang Saronniya, a 37-year-old male who currently serves as a pastor of the B.P Parilin church, located in Pahichoeng Village, Pailin commune, Pailin City, Pailin Province, I have a wife, Van Vida, 27, with three children, a son, and 2 daughters. First child. Eang Chhay Chanun, male, 7 years old, the second child is six-year-old girl named Eang Dalida, who attended the first A.G.S primary school in Bor Huy commune, Boryakha commune, Pailin City, and the third child is Eang Kesiya is just six months old. I would like to testity of God's miracles for my life before accepting Jesus and then accepting him util God calls me to be a servant in Pailin province of gems today.

1. Life before accepting Jesus: I was born in a poor family, the first of five brothers, whose father, Eang Bim, 65, and my mother, Ork Orn, 64, live in Banlich Village, Samrong Commune Chrov District, Banteay Meanchey Province. I was born on December 9, 1982. From the time of puberty to adolescence, I am a dumb person, disobeying my parents, playing more than learning, oven associating poor friends in the village, I used to fight and beat the other children until my parents and villagers intervened. But at one time, I had a 5th grade, had to go to sixth grade to be moved from primary school to a secondary school away from home, about 10 kilometers away, Because my bike went too far, my parents went to find a place to stay near the school. They were initially requested to ask the monk's pagoda to stay after school. When they arrived, they found that cousin, Thab Chan, that had been separated since the war, and saw his home was built near the school. In addition, he was a follower of Jesus. When he was enrolled, my parents came home and called me to tell them that there was a house near the school. There was no need to ask monks to stay in the pagoda. They asked me to decide which one to live, Stay in the pagoda or stay in your cousin Camily who believed in Jesus, because they do not worship, worship monks or do the monks, and take rice to the pagoda like ours. In a moment of anxiety, I responded to my parents that I was able to stay in their home without any problems, just follow him to stay in the schooling, and when I returned home, I would stop following in Jesus Christ, But in 1995-1996, while I am staying at that house, I did not kn Jesus and when I saw them have a prayer when they have meal, my eyes closed, and when they prayed before bedtime I closed my eyes and sometimes fell asleep. As I stay at their home I always remembering their Qumily activities. Shortly after observing their family's daily life, they saw their love life with their husbands, wives, and children and even words of good-naturedness did not go unnoticed. Looking back to my family, when my father returned from drinking, he always argued with my mother and children, sometimes my mother almost did not sleep all night, sometimes go to bed at downstairs to escape the beating of a drunk father.

2. After receiving evangelization: Aller observing the family life of my cousin better than my family's life, I started to consider and decide to accept Jesus as early as 1996, and then at the end, I have received baptism and begin to follow the Word of God what he taught in Bible, my life has changed from a walk and bad behavior is good and oboy my parents and love them and shared the good news to my brothers and parents to accopt Jesus as well. Later, I went to Grade 9 to Grade 10 to continue high school and moved to another school to ask for a church to continue to learn. While staying there when someone asked me i always say, I want to serve Jesus, and pray to God to show me how to study the Bible school so that I can readily teach it to the church. But from 2000 until 2003, my prayer was not answered and I decided to leave my hometown to work in Thailand by illegal border crossing through a broker, Once there, I was a construction worker I did the work of the construction, I did not receive the money so returned to my homeland. I was imprisoned for one day at the Polpet international border checkpoint in Banteay Meanchey province. Alter that, I started working again as a ducks worker for 5,000 ducks for a Thai boss. Sadly, one day, the sky began to rain, and I dumped all the ducks into a forest. Moments later, When I was standing surrounded the skirt rain suddenly forget the crowd of 5,000 came into the rice fields and the villagers made me afraid very atratd of the owner sued the sherilt, I started my knees praying to God in the middle of Nelds that trickled be to Cambodia and I swore He said that I am willing to serve him, even if not paid anything, but I'm willing to have escaped from sherilt (police) arrested today,

Thanks to the God that he answered, a few days later, the Thai boss I had to care for him drove by car to buy a train ticket to return to Cambodia via the Poipet International Gate, and be held there for a day, but God let me go home safely. Shortly after my arrival in Cambodia, I met an older woman, Horm Sopha, 64, in 2006, and asked her to be my God mother and ask her to study Bible school. At about half a month later, she telephoned that a Korean student at Kompongsom Bible School had recruited students to attend. At that time, I was so happy and inexperienced and rented a taxi to stay at his house for a few months to read the Bible there. Then he contacted a pastor, Se7 David in Sihanoukville, to ask Moses Han to lead the school. When I was two years old, I understood the word more and began to learn some English. Then 1 prayed for a ribbon to serve God together and I knew a woman through a friend introduced me to mothers, to complain and to engage in a Bible school together. Until the year 2009, we prayed for God to show His direction to serve Him where He wanted us to go. Then Rev. Moses Han, the principal of the Bible School, asked us if you would like to go to Pailin to work in God's service. He asked me to sleep and thinking for 3 to 4 days. Just heard of going to work in Pailin 1 suddenly felt very disappointed not wanting to go there, because I've heard that there is a fierce Khmer Rouge area, a landmine with a lot of malaria. But I had discussions with my love and she told me that we did not have to make our own decisions, let God be prepared, and then we decided to go to Pailin to follow the direction of Rev. Moses Moses, without hesitating. After marrying at the Bible School in early February, 2009, we came to Pailin.


3. Serving God in Pailin: When I first came to serve in Pailin, I was very disheartened sometimes 3, sometimes 4 to 5 people come to church, and I always talked to my wife, asking Rev. Moses to switch to work in another province, because in Pailin we did not know much about the people. On the other hand, the people around the church always say bad things about the pastor, and they do not like new preachers, they always say that evangelicals are bad greed like the same. However, living in Pailin for almost a year, I was always thinking of setting my mind to the point that I was getting married and really struggling to spread the gospel. people hate it, scorn it, throw stones at the roof of the church. But I remembered a scripture that encouraged me greatly, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me." Thanks to God day by day, we always pray, and the first step is not to preach the good news, stay in touch at their homes, and near the church, only when we are very close and we start to tell Jesus stories, and some even believe in worshiping with us. Later we started to visit them almost times. And every Thursday, we met, prayed, and read the scriptures. On Saturday, continued to visit, encourage them to come to church. And Sunday we start Sunday school for little children from 7:30 to 8:00 and 8:00-8.30 Sunday school lessons for older people. 9:0010.30 we begin to worship God together. So far, God has responded to us consistently, with consecutive church-worshiping churches, with 35 children, 10 young musicians praising Gods, and 45 to 50 adults to worship God every day. In addition, I always encourage them to read the Bible daily by reading 1 day at least 3 chapters, with a one-year reading period, both for the Old and New Testaments, and I will always be rewarded with reading the book

Thanks to God that you always support us the salary every month through Rev. Moses that we can live to continue to serve you though less or more we still stand firm to do your work that make the people come to church and for your work grow more and more. Amen.


With Pastor Saronniya, his family and church members at the HanMaEum Church (2020..)