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Era of 1st Revival Camp, 2008 In January Dr.Chan came and taught book of Timothy to bible students. Suddenly almost all the stores of PhsarLeu were burned by fire of January. Rev.George Teo of Singapore gave seminar for two days. I visited Laos with Grace, Vientiane and Paxse. We met brother Suresh who studied with us at FEBC, and living in Vientiane with Lao wife. He also had experience to serve in Cambodia for 4 years. We .. more
Camp with DongChiMee Mission 26.Aug ~ 1.Sep.2018 KBS Bible Camp 2020 동치미 CCM커버 TOP5 동치미 Music&Ministry ( 동치미는 동행(Company), 치유(Healing), 미션(Mission)의 첫 글자를 딴 이름으로 하나님과 교회, 찬양을 사랑하는 청년들이 하나님의 부르심에 순종하여 2018년도에 모이고 2020년에 데뷔한 CCM밴드입니다. "우리가 알거니와 하나님을 사랑하는 자 곧 그 뜻대로 부르심을 입은 자들에게는 모든 것이 합력하여 선을 이루느니라" (롬8:28) more
Era of KBS 5th graduation, 2007. In April 5th there was a 5th graduation at KBS, 23 students graduated as Diploma of Theology, and 4 as Certificate. Brother Mao started mission in Srayrieng, Gideon to Kompot, 4 students to Mondulkiri, Joshep to PP, Pyreak to Kompongthom, Samol & Raksmey to Bohuy, Pailin. It is thanksgiving that they could go out to mission fields one by one after studying here three to four years. After graduat.. more
Era of Hawaii Trip & Doulos, 2006. In January, pastor Issachar of Botsemoan church married, and pastor Amos of Bakkrong church also married. Mr Gilbert brought his church members to KBS. He made mission trip to KohKong, Kratie, StungTreng with DaeGu SeoMoon mission team. Rev. Brian taught book of Isaiah for 2 weeks. In Feb. Pastor Chhay of Kratie Love church married. In March brother Meak and sister Kanya married. Life bp mission.. more
Era of 3rd KBS Graduation, 2005. KBS is supported by many foreign churches, some help bible students, some our family, some building churches and pastors, some medical mission, some digging wells, some Christian school. That is why KBS did not charge school fee to the students. We provided all the food, lodgings to bible students free of chare with the foreign offerings. The offerers are not rich members, but out of love, offer.. more
(5th edition) Praise The Lord in His Presence! 주 임재 가운데 찬양 † Salt and Light (SnL) more
Era of Making Ark Stadium, 2004 Because there was no city water to KBS, we had to solve it by ourselves. We dug several wells by hands, 5m to 12m deep. But they also dried up on dry season. So decided to make big reservoir at the valley by digging deeper and wider of the valley. It was full of water in rainy season but dried up quickly when dry season began. The water-keeping project failed. But it also was dangerous to keep i.. more
Era of Early O Phram Hill . 2002 ~ 2003 Now all the students moved to the newly built dormitory at the O 5 Hill. We could reach at the school along the small road. There was no electricity, no city water, no shop, and no house nearby. There were many bamboo trees and many snakes. We used generator and provided electricity only from 5pm to 11pm and dug many wells and put many water jars under the roofs. We should fight against these ha.. more
Era of 2nd & 3rd Mission House. 1999 ~ 2012 Now KBS moved to big house of three story building . They called it 555 due to big numbers on the front wall. It had big wall, strong gate and many rooms. We lived here more safe life and accomodated more than 20 bible students. Until year 2000 we built 7 churches in Prenop district and TomlokProlok village. We studied in the morning, had lunch and went out to those villages with our van. We dro.. more
Era of 1st Mission House, 1998 Now I rented a house in downtown and started bible class with 7 students. I felt it is urgent to train young people in the word of God and to establish churches in Cambodia. Almost all the Cambodians never heard Gospel. Most pastors also did not get proper bible trainings. I start to teach english bible from Genesis. We studied three chapters everyday. I gave test to them next day. They should r.. more
From Singapore to Cambodia. 1994 to 1997. Now three years of bible study in FEBC has finished in May 1997. I was trained in the Word of God in English and in Chinese also. But no church would send me to China so I was embarrassed. I searched the place of my serving from mainland China to small island which many Chinese are living. FEBC asked me to continue advanced course, Th. M. But I had no inclination about it. M. Div was enough for .. more
열 두번의 부흥집회로 이끄신 하나님. 캄보디아에서 사역을 시작한지 6년정도가 되었을때 이제 나도 안식년을 한번 다녀와야겠다 생각하고 사역을 맡아해 줄 사람을 위해 기도했다. 그 당시 사역은 전국적으로 확장되어가는 때였고 신학생들도 제법 많이 늘어났고 할일이 많았지만 7년째는 휴식을 하리라 마음먹었다. 몸도 마음도 많이 지쳐있었다. 그러나 세워논 교회들 (그당시는 10여개)은 많이 불안하였고 문제도 계속 터져나오고 신학생들도 중생과 성령과는 거리가 있는 신앙생활을 하였고 이 어수선한 상태에서 6개월내지 일년을 쉬다 돌아오면 과연 교회와 신학교는 과연 어떻케 되어 있을까하는 생각을 하였다. 제일 심각한것은 본인이 타락한 죄인이라는 인식을 하기를 거부하는 마음 자세가 가장 큰 장애물이었다. 신학을 할수록 교회를 세울수록 이러한 위선의 기초 위에 .. more