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FootPrints/Mission Trip

JeChon Glory Presbyterian Church, in the memorial of Rev. Lee JoonHo, 2007. Combined Baptism.


Late Rev Lee JunHo
He was pastor of Jechon Glory Presbyterian Church and passed away in 2006. He was in liver cancer at his forties and made prayer of Hezekiah, Oh Lord add me fifteen years to my life. After being healed from his sickness he did much mission work to Kenya and Cambodia. He helped much in building KBS dormitory in 2002. When he was 60 years old, church members gave some love gift for relaxing. But he insisted to visit Cambodia even he was very tired. Two months after visiting Cambodia, he passed away from liver cancer. He loved Cambodia. Now his son Rev T G Lee is continuing mission work in Cambodia. Amazing Grace church in Kompot was built in 2018 by his leadership and offering of HNNR church.


JeChon Glory Presbyterian Church


On the 1st anniversary of late Rev JH Lee' s farewell, the congregation of the church brought the remains to KBS. We buried it near his memorial stone. He loved KBS so much and supported in many ways. He invited Mrs. Hahn and myself to Korea every year from year 2001 to 2005 in order we can take rest from the mission works at good places. We were very skinny in those days. He even made mission trip to Cambodia in Dec. 2005 even doctor advised not to go and two months later  he passed away in 2006. They also built JC building at dormitory.