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From the nations to the nations for the glory of God:


Rev. Brian D Harper at KBS graduation service 2015


Following a gracious recommendation by Deaconess Doris Fletcher to the Reverend Moses Hahn, Principal of the Kompongsom Bible School, I was invited in 2004 to give a series of lectures to the students of the Bible School. This was to be over a period of two weeks. At the time I was Pastor of the Noble Park Evangelical Baptist Church located in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

Having received the invitation from the Reverend Moses Hahn, I conferred with my church leaders. They supported my desire to accept the invitation, and with the full backing of the congregation, which included a number of Cambodian families, I accepted, and subsequently fulfilled my two weeks of lectures.

Following that visit a further invitation was extended to me, with the result that I have now been a guest lecturer at the Bible School for the past 13 years. In addition, the annual visit soon developed into biannual visits and, as well as myself, Mr Wes Taylor, one of the Church Elders at Noble Park, has now also taught at the school on a regular basis. In more recent days, Elder lan Bawden from another Church in Melbourne has accompanied me. lan is a retired School Principal and has spent his working life in education. His experience has been most helpful to the school and to the staff at the Kompongsom Christian School. Since 2004 a number of people from the church, including a group of our senior young people, have visited Cambodia to see firsthand the country and its needs, together with its world-acclaimed historic and cultural sites.

Seeing something of the needs in Cambodia, the Noble Park Church not only financially supported my teaching ministry but has, over the intervening years, contributed thousands of dollars to the work of the Bible School. Our aim has been to equip young men and women for the work of the Gospel and to train them to live moral and ethical lives for the glory of God and for the good of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Our desire is to produce young people who are good citizens, loyal subjects and prayerful supporters of those in government

During my second visit to Cambodia I met Mr Brian McConaghy, International Director of Ratanak International. This is a Canadian NGO which has worked for many years in Cambodia. As a result of that meeting, I was introduced to many other NGO groups working in the country. This led the congregation at Noble Park to agree to widen its financial support for Cambodia. This support has flowed through organisations such as Ratanak International, Daughters of Cambodia and Joy of Cambodia. In 2015 we were able to assist in placing an ambulance up in the Banteay Meanchey region, as a provision for those living near Thma Puok.

On a personal note, I have now visited many Provinces and seen many different works being carried on. These include agricultural development in the Battambang region, the building of a dam near Siem Reap which has proved an enormous benefit to hundreds, if not thousands of farmers, as well as the establishment of Kompongsom Christian School which is providing an excellent education for many village children. Furthermore, I have had the privilege of being allowed by the authorities, and in conjunction with the Kompongsom Bible School, to baptise inmates in Kompot Prison who have declared their intention to follow the way of Christ Jesus. It is my hope and prayer that I may be able to continue a teaching ministry at the Bible School and to visit those graduates now ministering across the Kingdom.

Former Pastor Brian D Harper 
Noble Park Evangelical Baptist Church, Victoria, AUSTRALIA